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Fight Like A Girl - Pink Power

 My blog candy giveaway is under post Challenge #35 

Hello dear sweet friends - 

I am taking a little detour today from my usual type of post to share something that is near and dear to my heart.  As you are already aware October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Well I want to do something to help spread the word about the importance of mammograms.  Believe it or not there are still a lot of women (and men) that we can reach together.  

I am a breast cancer survivor and today September 18th 
is my six year anniversary.  

Six years ago I was driving to work listening to my favorite Christian radio station when there was an advertisement for the "Susan G. Komen 3 day/60 mile breast cancer awareness walk.  At that moment in my heart I knew without a doubt I needed to walk those 60 miles.  Now in all honesty - at the same time I was asking myself questions like - Why on earth do I feel so compelled to walk those 60 miles for breast cancer when there is no history in my family.  Why not walk for the "Go Red" team instead of the pink team?  After all there was a history of heart disease in my family.  It made absolutely no sense to me also because I knew I would have a lot of training to do as well as fundraising (which I had never done before to reach the $2200.00 I needed in order to walk).  I learned a long time ago to trust that small still voice and I jumped in.  It was quite the challenge but little did I know walking those 60 miles was going to save my life.

As I began the fundraising process I realized I couldn't encourage women to get mammograms unless I got one myself.  I hadn't had one in 7 years (gulp) and so I went.  Just before the 60 mile walk (the day before) I got a phone call from the doctor telling me they found something suspicious and I needed to come in for an ultra sound.  They couldn't get me in until Monday (which was the day after the walk).  I had to wait to see the doctor but ironically I was waiting while I was walking with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of men and women whose lives had been touched by breast cancer in some form.  I was so busy walking up and down steep hills I didn't have time to worry.  Boy did I feel blessed in many ways.  I also knew deep down what the result of the ultra sound was going to be.  I just knew it in my gut.

At the time I didn't know all the training and walking was ultimately preparing me physically, emotionally and in gaining knowledge about breast cancer for my own personal battle.  When I had to face the giants I was prepared in a way I never would have been had I not walked those 60 miles.  

The rest is history but here is the rest of the story - my cancer was the size of a pencil eraser.  The surgeon said it was a miracle it was even found.  However when I first talked to him he said my cancer was so small I didn't really have to rush surgery - I could wait up to 10 years if I wanted.  Thankfully due to the research I had done I knew there were many forms and stages of breast cancer.  I had surgery, went through treatment and it was the battle of my life.  

Word spread through the hospital about my journey and so many women went in for mammograms themselves.  It turns out my type of cancer was an aggressive form and so many other attributes that mades it a deadly combination.  Had I not listened to that small still voice in my heart (God) and walked those 60 miles I would not be alive today.  No one will ever be able to convince me it wasn't a miracle.

Why do I share my story?  It is because I want to encourage all of you to get a mammogram (if you haven't already) and encourage your family and friends to do the same thing.  It just might save your life or someone you love.  

What I want to do from now through October is offer you a breast cancer awareness  magnet free to pass on to a friend, family member, a co-worker or as a reminder for yourself.  Please send me an email with your name and address and I will send it to you.  If you would like more than one - I am going to sell them for $1.00 each (instead of $2.50) and that is only to help cover the shipping costs.  That's it.  If you want to purchase one please let me know and I will let you know what the coupon code is for the magnets.  If you have any other questions or concerns please let me know.

I also want to give credit to a  dear friend of mine (you may know her as NanaConnie) gave me this sharing the breast cancer magnet idea.  She won one of the Tuesday Alchemy challenges I was sponsoring and it was her desire to get some magnets from my Etsy Shop to pass out to remind women to get mammograms.  It was a brilliant idea and it fit in perfectly with what I was wanting to do.  I know we were destined to meet and Connie - I am so thankful our paths have crossed.  You are a special lady!!
And last but not least I somehow found a blog by a woman named Susan who has just started going through Chemo for her breast cancer.  Her dearest friend Patricia is the one who started the "Cards for Susan" campaign and I want to help with this too. If you are interested in making a card for Susan please send me an email or mention it in your comment and I will give you her address.  I hope you will consider sending some love to a woman who is going through a huge challenge in her life right now.  I know when I was going through treatment I loved getting cards and want to give the same gift to Susan.

Hugs, smiles, lots of love and many many thanks to everyone 


PS - I lost my job 1.5 years ago for blowing the whistle and prior to that always made things such as altered clipboards and notebooks for children in the hospital or donating as much time as I could in other ways to charities.  This is my way to begin that same journey again - just from a different direction.  I am rebuilding my life and you have no idea how much getting to know so many of you blesses me every day.

If you have read to the end of this - words can't even thank you enough for spending your time with me in this way.  You have blessed me with your time, your comments and your desire to touch others.


  1. Oh dear sorry to hear of your heartache. I have been blessed so far with no hastles and always have a mamogramme done. I recently had a lot of paing and had a scan as well but I thank God I am clear. My dad had bowel cancer at the age of 92 and now he is doing so good here with me. They gave him 2-6mths to live after the op. It is now 8years. He has strong faith so that gets us all through. I too read of the Cards for Susan a while back, she is also going it tough.
    Thanks for joining my blog and keep in touch...luv annie

  2. Laine what an inspirational personal life story you have shared here with us. You have touched me and I am sure everyone who has read and still are going to read this. Thank you and I wish you a blessed life journey.

  3. Laine - wow! What an amazing bit of your life to share with us all. Something out there is definitely watching over you:-) Lots of Hugs coming your way.

  4. Oh sweetie, you are a STAR!! Could you please email me susans adress so i can send a card to her! Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging women to remeber to have a check up every now and then!
    Hugs and sunshine

  5. Sweetie thank you so much for doing this post, I enoyed reading every bit of it & even tho I'm not crying as its touched my heart so much I also realise I've never had a scan. Cancer is soooo extremely close to me, I have lost 10 members of my family through this disease & while none of them was Breast Cancer I truly believe that all cancers deserve to be shouted about. I bow & hold out my heart to all fighters & all survivors of this awful are all hero's in my eyes....
    Thank you for sharing this story with us sweetie.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog & for becoming a follower. The image on my banner sweetie is a Sweet Pea stamp Ching Chou Kuik hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxxxx

  6. Thank you so much for this post, because The Fight goes on for so many. I got my "All Clear" from my breast cancer, last Monday.....5 years a survivor and now in the clear, thanks be to my Heavenly Father! I really can't believe the similarities in our stories.....I was due to run the "Race For Life" , 5 years ago last June, but twisted my foot in training, so made myself chief cheerleader for my team. I had been having mammograms since I turned 50, and was due my second one the day after the race. I was found to have a pre-cancer and one tiny lump that was smaller than my pinkie finger nail. I was told I would need a mastectomy, but a friend urged me to get a second opinion. Long story short.....I had a lumpectomy and 15 days of radiation treatment.....and was on a flight to New York, two days after treatment ended....and had the time of my life!

  7. Bless you, Laine. As a fellow survivor, you know how much I love using the magnets to help get the word out. As I've given each one, I've asked the gal who received it to schedule her own mammogram and then pass it on to another person, asking them to schedule theirs and then pass it on to another, keeping it going. Your wonderful magnets could actually reach hundreds of women that way. Thanks so much for combining efforts. Loved your story. Hugs, NanaConnie

  8. Oh, yes, I'd love to do a card for Susan. Please e-mail me her address.

  9. Such an inspiring story. It's so very very important to listen to that still, small voice in all we do! Miracles are definitely real. Thanks for sharing your story!

  10. thank you, that divided personal. that you do is very important
    I lost a mother very early, just because lately found out a cancer.

  11. Hi Laine, thanks for visiting my blog and for sharing your story !

  12. Oh my Laine! What a long journey you have taken to be here today! I'm sorry you had to go through so much pain and sadness in your life--I can't tell from the inspiring works of art you share and your warm smile. Everything matched up for you and though some parts are heartbreaking, I know that you serve a greater purpose and are stronger because of it. Thank you for sharing your personal story with us! The world needs more people like you!

  13. Wow! Laine! I just want to start off by saying that your story has really touched my heart! I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes! Thank you so much for sharing your story with everyone! I am so sorry for all of your life battles, but like you I truly believe that it was a miracle! Honestly, I think that you are an angel sent! With your work and inspiration you help many others with your positivity and strength! Like Eileen said the world does need more people like you! I love your magnets, I will be checking out your shop after this!

    Thanks so much again! Keep up the great work!


  14. this is a beautiful project you did.

    Hi Laine, thank you for became a follewer and goodluck in the draw.

    greetings karin

  15. A powerful and heartfelt story, thank you for sharing it with us. I believe that life never gives us more than we can cope with, even if at the time we don't think we have the strength, somehow we find it and it makes us stronger. You have truly come out the other side fighting, and that, in itself, is a miracle that no one can ever take away from you. Hugs, Katy xx

  16. Very inspirational..... thank you for your story and thank you for coming and visiting my page and commenting on my card. I really appreciate it..... I had been trying for a few years to get a mammogram because breast cancer runs in my family and I also had a scare when I was 26..... low and behold my doctor refused because he was more concerned about the small exposure to radiation I would receive..... REALLY??? Well I turned 40 on September 23 and I phoned for my appointment last weekend..... I go in Thursday.... fingers crossed...... thanks again for sharing your story......

  17. your story is so moving, sad and heartfelt all together. I am so greatful that you were being watched over and got treatment when you needed it. Thank you for sharing this story with us, and your magnets are just fantastic! as is all of your work.
    sending you love and hugs
    Shell xx

  18. Congrats on your 6-year anniversary as a survivor! May you have many more! Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi. I so miss TAC and all our friends.

  19. Lovely and beautiful creation!!!

  20. Delighted to spend this time getting to know you and your story. Inspirational.

    thanks for sharing your story and your talents with Cards Galore.


  21. Hi Laine ,
    Your a very inspirational and strong lady. Kudos to you, I'm glad we're in the same team : ) Elisa

  22. Just wondering if you are OK some of the post you wrote was visible on blogger but not all of it. I know I don't know you and I don't want you to think I'm being nosey but is everything OK. Please Take care honey. Big Hugs Caroline xxx


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With hugs and smiles


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